Alright, secret's out! I'm expecting. I've been so excited, I just couldn't hold it in any longer. :) Plus, I've been dying to use the "Expecting Mothers" parking spot at Whole Foods without being nervous about getting caught red-handed. Honestly, I'm surprised none of y'all called me out! I've been turning down my usual wine orders at The Balcony Club for a few months now.
The bébé pep is due March 26th, 2013. Not sure yet if we'll have a little bambino or bambina, but a home test involving baking soda predicts girl! I like that answer just fine. :) (I am definitely looking forward to having a pronoun to use.) At 15 weeks along, he/she is currently about the size of a navel orange, and has just developed the ability to hear! This means he/she is now subjected to our singing and sometimes my banjo. Let's hope he/she's a fan. I can not feel anything yet, nor can you really see much of a change in my tummy. All in good time!
If you'd like to follow along with the development, I'll try to post here as often as I can remember. With all of the new technology and pregnancy apps, there's plenty of videos and information on the bébé that I can share from time to time. I may also post for help on here when I need it - advice, daycare recommendations, hand-me-downs, etc.
I want to thank all of you for the congratulations and support! We're so lucky to have such amazing friends and family. We're both looking forward to this journey, with all of its joys and hurdles.Baby's First Photo
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