Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Good Laugh

Pregnancy comes with many different faces: it can be overwhelming, exciting, nerve-wracking, and at times, pretty hilarious.

For one, I am finding that I'm the least pregnant-acting person around, and you might be shocked at the usual culprit: men! I can't tell you how many of them I've noticed with pregnancy symptoms. I actually spotted a businessman waddling down the street the other day, the way an 8-month-pregnant woman would! A good friend of mine gave me a giggle on Halloween - his costume forced him to sit and stand like a pregnant woman, holding his back all night. :) The father, in particular, seems to have a severe case of couvade syndrome. He's got it all - cravings, backaches, forgetfulness, mood swings, exhaustion. The plus side? It also means that he's beaming and talking to the baby every chance he gets.

Also, pregger brain is for real. I am severely loopy right now! I've been forgetful, dropping things, and swearing that I called someone back when my phone log clearly proves that I did not. I left my apartment for work one morning with my coat and wet bath towel on my arm. I've dropped all of my prenatal pill bottles in the last week. You can just imagine how dangerous I am when I'm singing onstage with a banjo neck sticking out to my side. ;) I can't seem to speak straight, either. When asked by a friend if I knew the gender yet, I perked up and said, "Yes! We're having a baby!"

One of my favorite places to go for a good laugh: online pregnancy forums. The majority of posts, no matter where they start out, end up spreading cravings like wildfire. It only takes the slightest mention of food, and we're off! "My mother-in-law is being a real pain in the rear." >> "Ooh, tough cookies." >> "Mmmm, ginger cookies" >> "...with marshmallows" >> "...and mint chocolate chip ice cream" >> "...and macaroni and cheese..." >> and all of a sudden there's a spike in mac & cheese and ginger cookie sales across the nation. I should really be using this insider information for stock investments. One of the moms in Australia has heard the Americans talk about Pumpkin Spice Latte's so much that she started craving them, even though they don't sell them over there! She's having to make her own pumpkin coffee concoction. Basically, it's a forum of enablers. Well-meaning, hungry enablers.

I'm not sure what to do with this material. I can only keep my fingers crossed in hopes that Steve Martin will stumble upon this and be inspired for his next schtick. Or maybe I should try my hand at stand-up? I do have a banjo, after all.

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